Excursion - short trips of pleasure. That's what this blog is about.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Dog Days

I think last weekend officially marked that time in the summer that inevitably hits me each year after too much...of everything. So following an AGGRESSIVE night last Wednesday at Lima I had to throw myself a life preserver and reel it in a bit. I decided to shut down the engines and recharge my batteries. Played a little ball on Saturday morning, sat by the pool, watched the Brazil-France game, threw on Syriana, and slept an average of about 11 hours a night, including a special nap at around 8 PM Saturday night.

The R&R came at a good time, even though I did miss out on heading up to NYC to chill with Liam and Roon, which sounded like it was a blast. Regardless, these next 3 weeks are shaping up nicely. Nags Head IV is coming up on Friday, which means Woodbridge will be making it's way down to Jody's beach house for what will no doubt be a celebration. This trip will also mark the 10-year anniversary of our Beach Week trip down there in '96. 10 years! Some highlights/stories that stand out on trips I-III for me:

*My first experience with Captain Morgan ('96)
*Joe unbelievably destroying his knee in a game of 3 on 3 (obviously not a highlight but one of the things that was completely surreal. You really had to see it to believe it ('00)
*Triple Body shots ('05)
*The "Zerks" story ('00)
*"Buford" the dog ('00)
*Imitating Method Man and the Rza with Quincy ('96)

And my number one Nags Head story: After deciding that I had a few too many while out with Jody and Quincy among others, I decided to step outside for a breath of fresh air to compose myself at around 1 AM. I spotted a restaurant next door which had been long closed for the night. So I strolled over to the top of the steps in front of the establishment, sat down, and layed my head and body back for just a moment to rest my eyes. In what felt like an instant later, I opened my eyes and looked around. Everything appeared to have shut down. 'Impossible' I thought. 'My friends or someone coming out of the bar surely would have seen me.' Finally my eyes adjusted and I checked my watch. 3:25? Nah, that would be 5:15 in the frigging morning! Not a person in site. I was like NPH in Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, 'Dude, I don't even know where the fuck I am right now!' I had no cell phone back then, no idea what the house number was, or what street it was located on for that matter. And I had $7 in my pocket. All I knew was it was next to some pink building. I just picked a direction and walked that way. After about a half hour, mercifully, a cab strolled by and gave me a lift the rest of the way. So sometime in the neighborhood of 6:30 AM I found my way in through the back door and slammed out. Apparently the fellas thought enough of my skills to assume I had gone home with a girl and didn't bother to look for me after my disappearance. I was sorry to disappoint, but all I had to show for my absence was a couple of extra hours of sleep. I can't wait to get back.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.

11:20 AM


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