Gold is Your Metal
Just finished checking out some updates in the world of college football. It's a good time to be a USC fan. Now I just have to figure out where I can get my Stafon Johnson jersey.
I had a rather unnerving experience today in the men's restroom at work today right before lunch. I was at the urinal revlieving myself and the middle-aged Asian guy to my right was making noises as if he hadn't used the restroom since Memorial Day. Meanwhile, the guy in the stall to the left was dropping his kids off at the pool while sending a text message from his cell phone. I'm very big into public restroom etiquette and I felt that I was confronted with 2 major violations in a short period of time. My rules are simple:
1. Never take a stall right next to someone (unless it's a serious emergency)
2. No making noises
3. Wash your hands
4. Don't use your cell phone
5. Lift the seat
6. Always flush (it's amazing how often this gets violated in the men's room)
I feel like girls don't have these issues but I take them very seriously.
Hitting up Otani's tonight out in Chantilly. Never been there before but it looks pretty good. Plus, does having a shrimp tossed into your shirt pocket ever get old?
I registered for my 10-year class reunion today under peer pressure from the Woobridge committee member who designed the website. I gotta be honest, I'm a little disappointed with the single-girl to married-girl ratio that I'm seeing so far. Fortunately out of a class of 642 I'm assuming there will be at least a few eligible receivers at this event.
Song of the Week:
Swordfight [Trent Cantrelle Remix] by Lower East Side off Sander Kleinenberg's Everybody on Tour Collaboration with Lee Burridge. I think the song title was picked by Lance Bass. Nevertheless the track has really grown on me over the last few weeks.
Movie Quote of the Day:
*Why not use your knowledge of the future to play the stock markets? We could make trillions.
*Why make a trillion when we could make... billions?
*A trillion's more than a billion, numbnuts.