Bebe Girl Mystery
In the world of random thoughts, I’ve got one to share. A few days ago I was bored and wandering around Clarendon on a nice Thursday evening. I grabbed a wrap over at Robek’s and decided I’d head over to Barnes & Noble and chill out a little bit before heading home. So I wander around that area in front of B&N for a few minutes, stopping at the Apple store and then walking through an area with some park benches and a little playground for the kids. This is around 8:45 PM. As I’m doing this I see this phenomenal Asian girl in this white Bebe shirt sitting outside eating a sandwich and talking on her cell phone with one of those wrap around ear pieces. First of all, this girl was special. If ever I would allow a girl to hot lunch me, it was her. (Wait, what was I talking about?) Anyway, I go into B&N and read a couple chapters of Sex, Drugs, & Cocoa Puffs, (a B Richards recommendation) and head out at around 10:30. Well the Bebe girl is still there talking on the phone, although at this point she had finished her sandwich. So a series of questions started to creep into my head, primarily because A) I never see bona fide girls alone for more 5 seconds without someone approaching them, and B) I wanted to know why she was out there for so long. Here were the questions/possibilities I came up with:
1. She was waiting for her boyfriend to get off work. But if so, where did he work, and why wouldn’t she have waited for him to call her before meeting over there.
2. Maybe she was meeting a friend to go out for drinks somewhere in Clarendon. But that’s not how hot girls roll.
3. She was in town for business and had a plane to catch, but had already checked out of her hotel.
4. Her car broke down and she needed a ride back to her place out in Reston.
5. She locked her keys in her car and was waiting for AAA to help her out.
6. She’s a heroin addict and was waiting to meet her dealer.
7. She’s an undercover cop staking out the area.
8. She lives in Reston, but was going out to the city to party later that night and didn’t want to use unnecessary gas going back and forth.
Which one seems most logical? Or is it possible that she, like me, just felt like getting out of the house and enjoying the nice weather? Perhaps I’ve just grown accustomed to certain types of people doing certain things based on their appearance. Does anybody have any thoughts on this?
Let’s say you’re looking for somewhere to go on your lunch break to just sort of get away by yourslef, grab a book, do some reading, and get some simple peace and quiet. There’s this place called “The Rio” in the Rockville/Shady Grove area near my office that may just possibly be the worst place on Earth to try to satisfy the aforementioned objective. That is unless you find stay-at-home mom’s with 2+ kids all under the age of 4 therapeutic. Seriously, I think 80% of the people in this neighborhood of Suburbia hell are mothers and their toddlers. Just today, I went to Corner Bakery, dolo, for an hour to grab a chicken pesto sandwich, and attempt to chillout and read a magazine. It was around this time that I nearly had my ACL taken out by a 2 year-old who was spinning the revolving door as if it were The Price is Right wheel as I tried to exit the premises. And this was after I was forced to abandon the idea of eating outside and enjoying some fresh air due to two MILF’s and their combined 4 kids shouting at the top of their lungs for 3 straight minutes. True story. Next time, I’m going the pick up route. Lesson learned.