Come on LB
I'm still not quite sure what to make of this story about Lonny Baxter. I mean I'm hoping maybe its the wrong guy or there was a mistake, but I guess the bigger question is, why would you be driving around 17th and I St. NW with a pistol and spent shell casings in your SUV? Aside from about a dozen Starbucks within a 5 block radius and some annoying GW students, there's not really much over there. Maybe him and his boy that he was with were upset that Eye Bar wasn't very exciting, or the sushi at Cafe Asia sucked, or maybe they got sideswiped by some duschbag in a black Mini Cooper who then fled the scene as I did over in that area on July 4th. That would be grounds to open fire I suppose. I think what really baffles me is why you would take a pistol with you in the first place. I'm assuming Baxter made some decent money in the NBA over the last few years. I would think that sort of financial security would alleviate the need to put himself in any sort of situation that would require a piece. But what do I know?
This is completely random, but this list has been on my mind lately:
Things that annoy me more than they should
1. People who whistle. What’s the point, seriously?
2. When people talk on the cell phones at my gym in the cardio area. How can you possibly be on a treadmill, have a conversation, and get a real workout? Usually the culprits are one of 3 types at Regency in McLean: (1) a soccer mom type that just comes to the gym out of sheer boredom from being at home all day, (2) a high school girl that is there with 2 of her friends as a social gathering, (3) the self-serving ninny type guy who’s talking to a business associate while he’s working out.
3. People who take longer than 60 seconds to pull their car out of a parking space when someone is waiting to get their spot. It should never take longer than that.
4. When people are walking close behind and having a conversation. This has always bothered me and made me slightly paranoid. I intentionally stop and let them get well ahead of me. I know I won’t catch up due to #5.
5. People who hold the door open for you when you’re 20 feet away. I’m a slow walker, probably one of the slowest in the world actually. So I don’t want to have to pick up the pace so that I don’t make the person wait on me. If I’m not right there, just keep going. I think I can manage to open the effing door myself. I do appreciate the gesture though.
6. Having to fold my own laundry, iron my clothes, make my lunch, take out the trash/recycling. I would bring someone on staff for $50 a week to not to have to do these things.
7. The Austin Powers issue. These are people that have a problem controlling THE VOLUME OF THEIR VOICE. Usually this happens on the metro or in a restaurant, or sometimes with people that come back to 1124 for after parties while my roommates are trying to sleep.
8. The phrase "Cool Beings." I have a guy in my office that uses this. This should always be substituted for either "Fact," "Copy That," or "Guarens."
Movie Quote Trivia
*I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.